Thursday, October 9, 2008

Well, hello there.

It's been a few days since I last posted because, well, nothing really has been going on besides life. I went to a job interview at Blue Cross Blue Shield and I think I failed miserably on their writing test, which includes writing letters to patients for claims, and I know nothing of the sort. I also applied as a receptionist for a car care place down the road, but no call back. My mother calls me the professional job hunter. Kind of sucks being called that, but honestly, I'm never satisfied. I'm tired of being stupid in shitty retail jobs that really don't get me anywhere except for maybe $9 an hour assistant manager things. People tell me, "Well, Rachel, it's more than you are making now..." which is true, but I'm freakin' 25.. I'd like to see myself elsewhere besides crapass jobs. Not that I'm downing people in the retail industry - I see myself stuck there for quiet sometime and there are lovely people who do that for a living, but it's not what I want for me. Ah well, moving on...

I'm baking some cupcakes at the moment for my family tonight, since my sister & her husband are in town. We had a bit of a tiff back in August but are back on speaking terms, which is nice. The house has a wonderful aroma to it, very chocolaty with a hint of caramel. I'm hoping this will give me a chance to work on frosting, something I am AWFUL at doing. It doesn't seem like it'd be that hard, but for me, it is. I don't know if it's just because my hand really isn't the most steady, or the fact that ever since I quit smoking a little over a year ago, I've become one of the most impatient people, but I dunno. I just want to throw a cupcake up against the wall if the frosting looks shitty, which is 98% of the time for me. For some reason, the smell of these cupcakes makes me want the holidays to come even faster. This is where my Mom would say, "Why? It's not like you're going to get anything!", haha. This is true, but I like the holidays for the sights and smells, as lame as that sounds. I'm a Christmas music JUNKIE!
I know it annoys the crap outta the hubby, but the day after Thanksgiving is awesome, not only because things are on SUPER sale (not like I ever got to shop though cos I was always working at said places that have sales...*grump*), but because that marks the beginning of Christmas for me, where the music starts to play on the radio.. where you hear Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree and that damn Chipmunks Christmas song from the 80s. ANNNNNNNNNNND, this also marks the first Christmas for my baby girl! Yea, I just threw up some random picture of her from the other day being a sweetie as she scarfed down some sweet potatoes.

She makes this silly face and starts laughing and whatnot while I'm feeding her. Sometimes she'll giggle endlessly and of course, that puts me in one of the greatest moods. She's basically my Zoloft. But, I do need to get back on that stupid drug because without it, I'm a walking piece o' TNT. I flip out for no apparent reason and I need to stop that. Ever since getting pregnant, I've been nuts and I hate it... it's really unlike me. Yea, I'm a bitch, that's normal.. but being a total cunt (only to the hubby, really) isn't in my cards. Ughn, anyways, I need to frost these sweet cuppincakes while I still have some sort of energy, which is fading fast! The hubby and baby are curled up on the bed together as I sit here, half-asleep, sipping on this Yogi nursing mothers tea. Any herbal tea puts me to sleep.... so, yea... Zzzzzzz.


Jennifer B said...

Totally know what you mean about the job thing. I' not the most motivated person in the world when it comes to jobs or ...looking for a job. It seems like whenever anyone asks me what I'm doing, I answer "Oh, you know..still looking for work"..
"I'm freakin' 25.. I'd like to see myself elsewhere besides crapass jobs" - Yeah basically the same exact thing for me. Sigh. Growing up sucks. ;)

Ps: Cute pictures!

wendy said...

you'll find something soon.
i am a professional sucks but the perks are awesome! lol
oh and the cupcakes look you use a bag and tip for the frosting? i makes mine look good and i'm far from a much caffeine and my hand shakes like mad.
oh and yeah for christmas! i'm soooo ready!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm cupcakes.