Thursday, October 23, 2008

Never thought I'd say this, but I sure miss feeling my baby getting all squishy in me. All those little kicks and punches.... I am so glad I can see her in person now, but damn, that feeling will always be there!

Friday, October 17, 2008

My head is full of meh!

At the beginning of the week, I had a sore throat, then a runny nose, and the usual trademarks of stupid allergies. The symptoms went away for about two days and now they are back again! Damn me for sleeping with my window open and allowing whatever it was to creep through my screen and make me all sniffly and super tired. *shakes fist* I've been in the foulest of moods, too. I'm not sure why I've been Queen Super Bitch as of late, but I hate it, but at the same time, I can't help it. Nothing really calms me down so if any of you have ideas, please share! I'm willing to try anything. And sex.. out of the question. I'm basically abstinent, heh.

When my sister was here this past week, I baked some cupcakes that came from a box that has three mixes by Cobblestone Kitchens. They sounded pretty good, so I decided to buy them... they come in three different flavors - Chocolate Caramel, Strawberry Vanilla and Lemon Poppyseed. I don't know what the crap happened, I followed the directions to a T, and the batter for the chocolate caramel (the only ones I have made at the moment!) was very fudge like. My brain didn't click on and I didn't bother to change it so they were a bit, ehm, hard. Frosting comes with the mixes and so I made it like it said on the box and it had NO flavor. I didn't even think to put vanilla extract in it because once again, I'm totally awesome... so I threw a bit of pumpkin spice on it, which you couldn't taste at all. So, it ended up tasting like ass and I threw most of those cupcakes away. Here they are though, in all of it's crappy glory. PS, I still can't frost a damn and trying to wash out the pastry bag was disgusting... I hate hate hate having oily hands due to shortening and ugh, I don't even want to think of that. I'm a priss when it comes to that, for some reason.

Ahh, look at those sweet frosting skills. Mhm. ;)

Anyways, as expected, Blue Cross Blue Shield never called me back. How am I supposed to gain experience in a field (administrative) if no one bothers to hire me and give me a chance? I want to get out of retail and I know I am great with customer service, but none of these damn companies bother to give me the time of day. It's not fair. I know I can be considerate on the phone than half of those people you talk to to get help with big companies like that! I applied for Kohl's today though, as a stock associate, so I'm hoping I get that job. The hours seem good and I always loved doing stock. When I'm at a store, I rearrange stuff if it's out of place, haha. I'm lame, I know! (AND I JUST BURNT THE FUCK OUT OF MY THROAT. DAMN YOU TEA... ow ow ow!)

Tomorrow is my husband and I's sixth wedding anniversary! Not bad considering after a week of knowing him (and I met him online, by the way!) I moved in, and four months later, we got married. $25 wedding, ftw, ladies! I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend.

(us last year before my sisters wedding)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Well, hello there.

It's been a few days since I last posted because, well, nothing really has been going on besides life. I went to a job interview at Blue Cross Blue Shield and I think I failed miserably on their writing test, which includes writing letters to patients for claims, and I know nothing of the sort. I also applied as a receptionist for a car care place down the road, but no call back. My mother calls me the professional job hunter. Kind of sucks being called that, but honestly, I'm never satisfied. I'm tired of being stupid in shitty retail jobs that really don't get me anywhere except for maybe $9 an hour assistant manager things. People tell me, "Well, Rachel, it's more than you are making now..." which is true, but I'm freakin' 25.. I'd like to see myself elsewhere besides crapass jobs. Not that I'm downing people in the retail industry - I see myself stuck there for quiet sometime and there are lovely people who do that for a living, but it's not what I want for me. Ah well, moving on...

I'm baking some cupcakes at the moment for my family tonight, since my sister & her husband are in town. We had a bit of a tiff back in August but are back on speaking terms, which is nice. The house has a wonderful aroma to it, very chocolaty with a hint of caramel. I'm hoping this will give me a chance to work on frosting, something I am AWFUL at doing. It doesn't seem like it'd be that hard, but for me, it is. I don't know if it's just because my hand really isn't the most steady, or the fact that ever since I quit smoking a little over a year ago, I've become one of the most impatient people, but I dunno. I just want to throw a cupcake up against the wall if the frosting looks shitty, which is 98% of the time for me. For some reason, the smell of these cupcakes makes me want the holidays to come even faster. This is where my Mom would say, "Why? It's not like you're going to get anything!", haha. This is true, but I like the holidays for the sights and smells, as lame as that sounds. I'm a Christmas music JUNKIE!
I know it annoys the crap outta the hubby, but the day after Thanksgiving is awesome, not only because things are on SUPER sale (not like I ever got to shop though cos I was always working at said places that have sales...*grump*), but because that marks the beginning of Christmas for me, where the music starts to play on the radio.. where you hear Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree and that damn Chipmunks Christmas song from the 80s. ANNNNNNNNNNND, this also marks the first Christmas for my baby girl! Yea, I just threw up some random picture of her from the other day being a sweetie as she scarfed down some sweet potatoes.

She makes this silly face and starts laughing and whatnot while I'm feeding her. Sometimes she'll giggle endlessly and of course, that puts me in one of the greatest moods. She's basically my Zoloft. But, I do need to get back on that stupid drug because without it, I'm a walking piece o' TNT. I flip out for no apparent reason and I need to stop that. Ever since getting pregnant, I've been nuts and I hate it... it's really unlike me. Yea, I'm a bitch, that's normal.. but being a total cunt (only to the hubby, really) isn't in my cards. Ughn, anyways, I need to frost these sweet cuppincakes while I still have some sort of energy, which is fading fast! The hubby and baby are curled up on the bed together as I sit here, half-asleep, sipping on this Yogi nursing mothers tea. Any herbal tea puts me to sleep.... so, yea... Zzzzzzz.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Thank you, Miss B, for putting me on your blog as the cute site of the day!
That's so sweet of you! :D

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Are you ready for some football??

We sure are!

Hail to the Redskins! :D

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Random Day!

Today is just going to be a day that is all about randomness. I'm all about being random and if you know me in person, I switch topics and whatnot pretty damn quickly. May be confusing, but can't be as confusing and stupid as our possible next VP. *shudders* So, here is my day yesterday, in pictures.

Yep, that's my Isabella looking totally gorgeous in her pink wig and sunglasses. I'm tired of everyone saying, "Oh, he's so adorable", just because she doesn't have any friggin' hair. She'll get there one day and with this pink wig o' hotness, she'll get there even faster. It'll persuade those hairs to come out.

The hubby & I went over to my parents house with a handful of googly eyes and decided to put those on my Mom's plants, because, it's funny. If you watched SNL when Christopher Walken was a host, then you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, click here and you'll soon see what I'm talking about!

Then there's me, looking dumb. That's what I do best!

PS, to all my baking ladies, if you hit up the dollar spot at Target, you *might* be able to find silicon baking cups for $1!! I was lucky enough to snag the last pack of them (which was opened and mine contained 5, so if someone *did* steal some, at least I got 5, haha) so you may get 5 or more in a pack... who knows! :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

This is just awful!

Why do parent's not bother to watch their damn kids? In this story, a 7-year-old CHILD went to a zoo and fed several live animals to the zoo's crocodile, and smashed lizards and other animals to death with rocks. The zoo is planning to sue his parents.

They should do something with this child before he grows up to become a serial killer. Usually it begins with the torture and killing of animals, then these people move onto bigger targets, like humans. Freakin' ridiculous. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Is Blogger ONLY a douchebag for me?! I try and load blogs and it fails on me a good portion of the time.

If I were a bear...

I'd totally walk into Subway and just start eating away! This bear is my hero!!

Not really sure why they'd have to euthanize a bear that wasn't harming anyone or anything. *shakes fist*
I would've cuddled with that bear and perhaps got mauled, but it'd be worth it.

*pinches bears cheeks* HOW ADORABLE!

But also, why would she want to finish her shift and serve customers food that had bear paws all up in it and stuff. Gross.