Friday, October 17, 2008

My head is full of meh!

At the beginning of the week, I had a sore throat, then a runny nose, and the usual trademarks of stupid allergies. The symptoms went away for about two days and now they are back again! Damn me for sleeping with my window open and allowing whatever it was to creep through my screen and make me all sniffly and super tired. *shakes fist* I've been in the foulest of moods, too. I'm not sure why I've been Queen Super Bitch as of late, but I hate it, but at the same time, I can't help it. Nothing really calms me down so if any of you have ideas, please share! I'm willing to try anything. And sex.. out of the question. I'm basically abstinent, heh.

When my sister was here this past week, I baked some cupcakes that came from a box that has three mixes by Cobblestone Kitchens. They sounded pretty good, so I decided to buy them... they come in three different flavors - Chocolate Caramel, Strawberry Vanilla and Lemon Poppyseed. I don't know what the crap happened, I followed the directions to a T, and the batter for the chocolate caramel (the only ones I have made at the moment!) was very fudge like. My brain didn't click on and I didn't bother to change it so they were a bit, ehm, hard. Frosting comes with the mixes and so I made it like it said on the box and it had NO flavor. I didn't even think to put vanilla extract in it because once again, I'm totally awesome... so I threw a bit of pumpkin spice on it, which you couldn't taste at all. So, it ended up tasting like ass and I threw most of those cupcakes away. Here they are though, in all of it's crappy glory. PS, I still can't frost a damn and trying to wash out the pastry bag was disgusting... I hate hate hate having oily hands due to shortening and ugh, I don't even want to think of that. I'm a priss when it comes to that, for some reason.

Ahh, look at those sweet frosting skills. Mhm. ;)

Anyways, as expected, Blue Cross Blue Shield never called me back. How am I supposed to gain experience in a field (administrative) if no one bothers to hire me and give me a chance? I want to get out of retail and I know I am great with customer service, but none of these damn companies bother to give me the time of day. It's not fair. I know I can be considerate on the phone than half of those people you talk to to get help with big companies like that! I applied for Kohl's today though, as a stock associate, so I'm hoping I get that job. The hours seem good and I always loved doing stock. When I'm at a store, I rearrange stuff if it's out of place, haha. I'm lame, I know! (AND I JUST BURNT THE FUCK OUT OF MY THROAT. DAMN YOU TEA... ow ow ow!)

Tomorrow is my husband and I's sixth wedding anniversary! Not bad considering after a week of knowing him (and I met him online, by the way!) I moved in, and four months later, we got married. $25 wedding, ftw, ladies! I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend.

(us last year before my sisters wedding)

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